Frenz, tested your-freedom trick with Ide@ network on PC. For it keep ur balance at below Rs:5. Main feature of the Ide@ gprs is better speed and speed loading of web page. Here me posting its procedure. 1: Go to [url][/url] and make a account.
2: Download and install your-freedo application. U will get it from here: [url][/url]
3: Connect ur mobile to PC with pc suite giving accesspoint as 'internet'
4: Then open your-freedom application. Click on 'configure' ,then will appeare a new window, on it enter the settings as given below:-ADDRESS: mPORT: 53mCONNECTION MODE: udp
5: On same window, u can see 'Account information' tab at top, click on it. Give ur username and password of your-freedom account.
6: click on 'save and exit' button at bottom of same window.
7: then click on 'start connection' ,
8: Then open any browser like opera, mozilla etc. Importent thing is that u should change their proxy settings, enter proxy as 'localhost' ( without ' ) , port= 8080To change the proxy on mozilla go to TOOLS > OPTION > ADVANCED > NETWORK > PROXY SETTINGS
thanxs to Tohid bro